I’ve gone to a lot of conferences! My work at these spans Applied Lingustics, Writing Studies (including mentorship, pedagogy and writing program administration) and will soon include some Literature, I hope. Here they are:
Creole Composition: Learning with/from Caribbean-Origin Students in US Composition Classrooms: Workshop. March 9-12, 2022: Conference on College Composition and Communication Workshop.
Now That We’re Here: Demanding and Enacting Inclusion in Academic Spaces (with Ileana Leon and Dominique Townsend). March 9-12, 2022: Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Pleasure activism in the Post COVID-19 writing classroom. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Spokane, WA. 2021, April 7-10. Conference took place online; the panel on which this talk was included won an award for being one of the three most-viewed panels during the first week of the online conference.
Mother Rhetorics of Need and Desire. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, WI. 2020, March 28 (Conference cancelled).
Mother-Bodies, Desire and Well-Being in Academic Spaces. MIRCI: Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Toronto, ON, Canada. 2019: April 14.
Post-creole composition: Academic writing and rhetoric in the Anglophone Caribbean. Roundtable presentation, Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. 2019, March 14.
Dreaming of somewhere else: Transnational implications for languaging. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MO. 2018, March 16.
Translanguaging and the art of negotiation. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR. 2017, March 16.
On being good enough: Making a case for administration to women and mothers. WPA Conference, Raleigh, NC. 2016, July 15.
The grammar classroom as a post-colonial space: Grammar, literacy and pluralizing English. International Language Association. New York, NY. 2015, April 24.
The ethics and economics of grammar instruction. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, IN. 2014, March 22.
All Englishes are local: Revisiting the problem of native speaker status. International Linguistics Association, Brooklyn, NY. 2013, April 13.
Grammar empowers: Sentence-level instruction in the globalizing world. Roundtable presentation. American Association for Applied Linguistics. Dallas, TX. 2013, March 16.
Leading from the local: How can Writing Centers change the conversation on campus? (with Debbie Rowe and Carolette McDonald). Northeast Writing Centers Association Conference. Jamaica, NY. 2012, April 14.
Visual and auditory tutoring strategies: How effective are they? Lilly Conference. Washington, DC. 2011, June 3.
Access or exclusion: What definite descriptions tell us about constructing authority. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. 2011, April 7.
Creating a safe harbor while at sea: Combining innovation and stability in the Writing Center (with Laurel Harris). International Writing Centers Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. 2010, November 4.
Writing as a site of contention in General Education reform (with Michael J. Cripps). Writing Program Administrators Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2010. July 16.
Writing moving images: Locating meaningful uses of video for Writing Center and WAC work (with Michael Cripps). Roundtable discussion at NEWACC – North-East Writing Across the Curriculum Consortium, at the North-East Writing Centers Association conference. Boston, MA. 2010, April 11.
Linguistic activism as a teaching tool: Revisiting the principles of ‘Students’ right to their own language.’ Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY. 2010, March 17.
Towards a better – and more useful – understanding of English articles via corpus analysis. Symposium on Second Language Writing. Tempe, AZ. 2009, November 5.
Starting over: Reimagining Writing Center-WAC connections (with Michael J. Cripps and Michael H. Broder) Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference. York, PA. 2009, March 28.
Collaborative grammar: Making waves in students’ relationships with language. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA. 2009, March 13.
Basic writing in a vacuum: Supporting developmental writers in a post-remediation world (with Michael J. Cripps). Basic Composition in the Works Conference. Lodi, NJ. 2009, February 28.
Unbounded expertise: Crossing the border between grammar and WAC. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Austin, TX. 2008, May 30.
Making film work as pedagogy (with Michael Cripps, Daniel Phelps and José Duran). Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. 2008, April 5.
An Australian in UnAustralia. UnAustralia Conference. Canberra, ACT, Australia. 2006, December 6.
Interactive grammar: Charting new territory in an old landscape. College English Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. 2006, April 6.
The consequences of familiarity: Plural definite determiners in French and English. Georgetown University Round Table. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 2004, March 27.